My name is John Michael Mooney and I just published my first book called Treasures in Truth: Quotes to Nourish Your Soul. My journey from an avid quote collector to book author started about thirty years ago when I started reading the Book of Proverbs daily. Over time, I came across quotes from various wisdom traditions that spoke to my soul. To ensure I would remember these writings, I wrote them in between the proverbs in my Bible, revisiting them faithfully. Soon the Book of Proverbs was completely full, so I began writing them between the Book of Psalms verses. Eventually, it dawned on me that if anything happened to my Bible, this entire collection of wisdom would be lost forever. Soon after my son decided to type up my collection as a Christmas present. He had it spiral bound. I had copies made and gave them out to friends and patients, which subsequently gave me the idea to create Treasures in Truth. In reflection, I realized my spirit was the driving force behind this anthology of quotations.
I have been a chiropractor in Placerville, California for the last 36 years as well as a collector of quotes for most of this time. From time to time, I would see patients who felt depressed or overwhelmed about their life. During the appointment, the perfect quote would come to mind that fit their situation perfectly. As the visit ended, I would write the quote down, handing it to them on their way out. Invariably, on their next visit, they would express their appreciation and ask for more. The driving force for me behind Treasures in Truth is to touch people’s lives with these universal truths while understanding that wisdom comes in all shapes and sizes. The book is divided into 55 sections/themes according to their subject matter. A few of the topics include Abundance, Action, Blessing, Commitment, Grace, Perseverance and Trust. The range of authors include philosophers, playwrights, actors, spiritual teachers, Olympic champions, presidents, even Oprah. This book offers the reader easy access to whatever is needed for that day, inspiration, peace or guidance by either choosing a page randomly or reading a theme a day.